


MMKG Principal Message

Dear parents,

Welcome to the Modern Montessori School’s Kindergarten! People always ask me what constitutes an authentic Montessori programme, and since the late Dr. Montessori never placed a copyright on the term ‘Montessori’, it is very difficult to answer this question.

We thrive on helping children learn life skills, have self-control, and take initiative. We teach them to have an analytical mind, be critics, be attentive, and most importantly to develop a lifelong love and joy for learning! There are some traits that we need to acknowledge in order to mark an authentic Montessori programme. These are not limited to but include trained teachers, teacher tenure, and the length of classroom time which is a non-interrupted work period each morning during which the child receives lessons and is never interrupted to join other activities. Other traits include an individualized curriculum since Montessori supports individual development of the child and sways away from a one size fits all curriculum. In the Montessori class, the curriculum conforms to the child instead of the child having to conform to the curriculum. Calm and peaceful classrooms where discipline is geared through inner freedom and respect, ground rules, and the completion of work cycles with a ‘no reward no punishment’ policy. A beautiful aesthetic environment both inside and outside the classrooms. The environment is created and supported by special authentic, specially designed Montessori materials, practical life activities, sensorial, language and literacy, mathematics, cultural and environmental activities and projects, in addition to creative arts. These are all employed to enhance the concept of concrete to abstract, simple to harder, as well as directly and indirectly prepare the children for later learning. In addition, one of the most unique traits of Montessori is a vertically grouped classroom where children learn from each other, the older children model respectful behaviors and advanced work that the younger ones eventually experience with more ease through monitoring the older children while doing their own work at their own pace. Moreover, this model allows the older children, irrespective of their varied personalities, an opportunity to experience leadership. In conclusion, what makes an authentic Montessori classroom is the holistic experience of teacher, child, materials, and environment all working together to achieve the one goal, the thriving child who will be the backbone of the future.

Sincerely, Nourhan Zehnie



The Modern Montessori Kindergarten’s vision is to provide excellence in KG education by making the benefits of the Montessori Method accessible to the community. Its objective is to prepare the children to reach their full potential and to play a responsible role in protecting the global environment and fostering peace and harmony with the natural processes and community interests.



The Modern Montessori Kindergarten’s vision is to provide excellence in KG education by making the benefits of the Montessori Method accessible to the community. Its objective is to prepare the children to reach their full potential and to play a responsible role in protecting the global environment and fostering peace and harmony with the natural processes and community interests. Read More


The focus of the MMKG is to:

  • Help children to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Create a happy and nurturing environment where children feel comfortable to discover and achieve their full potential.
  • Give the required attention to each child in order to encourage learning and allow each child to progress at his or her own pace.
  • Stimulate growth by using materials and activities that encourage each child to explore, learn and solve problems.
  • Encourage and develop essential social skills through critical thinking, independence, and cooperation.
  • Nurture each child's individual needs by providing a safe, secure and caring environment.
  • Enhance concentration skills and establish good working habits to discover the joy of learning.

All kindergarten teachers have completed a rigorous teacher training programme run by the ICME.
For more details, please check out our curriculum and policy booklet.