
  • Chairman Message

    Dear parents, guardians and students,

    My warmest greetings to all! As we embark on yet another scholastic year, and with our expanded and upgraded campus and facilities, it gives me great pride and pleasure to welcome you all to the Modern Montessori School. All of us here at the MMS have had a very busy, successful and awarding few years which saw the school obtain accreditation of two new programmes, the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) in a little over a year, constructed and completed a brand new Senior School building extension, completed phase (2) which upgraded and transformed our pre-existing buildings and facilities, upgraded and introduced new educational software and technology to enhance the educational experience of MMS students and for the MMS to ensure it remains ahead in terms of 21st century education. The Modern Montessori School has always been known as an institution that places considerable importance on the development and academic performance of its students, adopting methods that foster complementary values such as creativity, character, exploration, and the independent thinking of a student. We have made sure and were extra careful to take this into account meticulously with everything we introduce and everything we undertake. The MMS prides itself in being a leader not only in the programmes it offers its’ students, but also the extra-curricular programmes, initiatives and activities it offers its’ students on a daily basis. 21st century education emphasizes heavily on the well roundedness of the student and, in this regard, the MMS has always been ahead of its’ time. We invite you all to explore our website, learn more about these programmes & activities, and enroll in as much as the school has to offer. After the successes, challenges and dedication of the past 3 years and because of the conviction that as a collective effort, there is nothing the MMS staff and students cannot do, and in the spirit of the IB program (which we have offered since 1998 -becoming the second school in Jordan to do so at the time), I am happy to announce that, by the end of this academic year, the MMS would have hosted a team from the Council of International Schools (CoIS) as a final step to obtain CIS accreditation and adding another milestone to our belt. It was a natural decision being that the MMS is already an IB Continuum School and always believed in reaching and maintaining the highest standards of education and safety. We believe that MMS students, with a Montessori methodology and philosophy foundation at the Kindergarten level in their educational and developmental journey, followed by the IB continuum (PYP, MYP then DP) in their primary and formative years, will find themselves fully equipped, independent and prepared to face the world and thrive by being leading members of any community they choose to belong to. Our staff has worked diligently and tirelessly to make sure that objective is always followed through, whilst still maintaining the MMS essence and atmosphere encouraging and promoting autonomy, educational rights and learning achievements. We are, as always, immensely proud of them all. Historically, the Modern Montessori School's unique approach to educational leadership has differentiated us from many other educational organizations & institutions in the region. Our philosophy focuses on developing the characteristics that enhance our students’ innate abilities, thus creating the global leaders needed to face the challenges of the 21st century. In order to achieve this, it is our responsibility to provide; strong instructional techniques based on solid academic curriculum, self-directed activities, and foundations for building collaborative behaviors. Our vision aims to better position the Modern Montessori School on the educational global map as one of the leading schools of tomorrow. To achieve this goal, and in coordination with our CEO, Mr. Mohammad Youssef, as well as our newly appointed and highly-accredited management staff, a strategic and operational model has been designed to elevate the overall performance and achievement level of all MMS students and teachers by equipping them with modern learning experiences and competencies that will build a stronger generation of leaders, achievers and educators. With passion and inspiration, the Modern Montessori School, without question, believes that each and every one of our impressionable young learners today will be transformed into leaders tomorrow. Last but not least, and on behalf of the Modern Montessori Family, we appreciate and thank you for the trust and responsibility you have bestowed upon us and we all look forward to welcoming our sons and daughters back to their second home every day.

  • Chief Executive Officer Message

    Dear parents, guardians and students,

    Dear Montessorians, I hope our students have had a wonderful start to their 2019/2020 academic journey and have comfortably settled in to their new classes. As a school, we are looking forward to another successful and productive year, with you as our partners, working towards ensuring our students are meeting the needs of the 21st century learner. This academic year brings special changes to our school. I would like to begin by sharing that Mr. Amer Dababneh now holds the position of Middle School Principal, whereby he is responsible for students in Grades 6-8. As for students in Grades 9 and 10, they are now referred to as Pre-IBDP students and are therefore under the supervision of Ms. Iman Asad, our Senior School Principal.In addition, a critical position has been added to our school organizational structure, Director of Teaching and Learning, which is occupied by Ms. Nadia Abdallah. Ms. Nadia comes to us with many years of experience from various international schools. She holds a B.A in English, an M.A in Adult Education and is currently working on her Doctorate in TESOL Education at the University of Exeter. She is also an IB examiner, workshop leader and CIS team member. In her new role, Ms. Nadia will focus on our school curriculum (K-12), support the program coordinators in developing a clear continuum across the school, lead the school through the CIS visit, and also provide staff with support in their classrooms. Furthermore, I am pleased to inform you that MMS is moving towards becoming a more environmentally friendly institute. The journey is long, but we have taken our first step by reducing the amount of paper used. You will now be receiving all circulars electronically. We appreciate your support in this matter. Finally, in an effort to build a strong home-school relationship, I would like to invite you to become active participants in our school community through volunteering and by attending school events. We welcome your involvement and contribution. .


School Mission

The Modern Montessori School aims to provide a rich and stimulating environment where children can develop to their full potential. Understanding and appreciating the differences that make every student unique, each child is valued as an independent thinker and encouraged to make choices on his or her own.

Our system of personalized education encourages every student to develop his or her own talent, to respect the differences in others and to be a responsible member of a community, thus achieving the finest possible holistic education. This aims to instill a pride in accomplishments, providing the students with the confidence needed to use their abilities to the fullest and enabling them to define and achieve success in college, career and above all, in life.


We believe that every student has limitless worth and potential, and this ‘approach to life’, as Dr. Montessori put it, is at the heart of our philosophy. MMS aims to provide students with the skills and the confidence needed to use their abilities to the fullest, enabling them to define and achieve success. We believe that by providing students with a nurturing environment, we allow each student to fulfill his/her potential. Our largely personalized education system encourages every student to develop his or her own talent, while respecting differences and being responsible members of their communities. We aim to graduate independent thinkers and self-motivated individuals who will challenge themselves and play an integral part in their community. MMS strives to instill a deeply rooted sense of identity in students while promoting international-mindedness and a strong understanding and respect for differences between cultures and individuals. We seek to ensure that our rigorous academic and rich extracurricular programs work in tandem to provide students with a holistic and transformative learning experience.